Tweetez-Vous Francais? Students’ perspectives on Twitter as a pedagogical tool to enhance learning in the post-primary second language classroom.

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Caragh Bell
Kevin Cahill


We are living in the information age; our teaching and learning must adapt to this shift (Rosen, 2010). There are over 100 million active users posting over 500 million tweets a day which validates Twitter as an authentic and worthwhile place for literacy development. Twitter offers an educator the opportunity to connect a class to the outside world; it connects the students themselves to a diverse community outside the microcosm of the classroom. This study looks at students’ thoughts on the use of social media – namely Twitter – to enhance the learning of a second language in a post-primary French classroom in Ireland. A controlled group of fifth years students took part in the study. They submitted reflective diaries via email and interviews were conducted and recorded. The results of this study suggests that the use of Twitter in language teaching has a future, but has to be implemented properly and gradually.


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How to Cite
Bell, C., & Cahill, K. (2019). Tweetez-Vous Francais? Students’ perspectives on Twitter as a pedagogical tool to enhance learning in the post-primary second language classroom. Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 5(1).
Original Research (Extended Report)
Author Biography

Kevin Cahill, University College Cork

Kevin Cahill is a lecturer in the School of Education, University College Cork. His main teaching responsibilities are in the area of inclusive education. His research focuses on inequalities in education as well as the supervision of graduate students in education.