Building the Plane as We Fly It: Experimenting with GenAI for Scholarly Writing

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Maria D. Avgerinou
Antonios Karampelas
Vassilia Stefanou


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic that forced universities to shift to online learning, the need for proper training and support for faculty to ensure effective online teaching and positive student outcomes has resurfaced and gathered momentum. This paper experimented with a GenAI tool (Perplexity) toward generating content on the effects of a lack of online teacher training on teaching, cognitive, and social presence in online university courses, specifically discussing how each presence is affected according to the Community of Inquiry extant literature. The authors’ reflection on the adopted process and GenAI content yielded mixed results and proposed future strategies for improved outcomes of similar research endeavors. Implications for education stakeholders and the field at large were discussed culminating in a shared perception of the value of Critical AI Literacy skill development while thoughtfully leveraging the vast capabilities of GenAI to bring about a profound transformation of teaching, learning, and scholarship.


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How to Cite
Avgerinou, M. D., Karampelas, A., & Stefanou, V. (2023). Building the Plane as We Fly It: Experimenting with GenAI for Scholarly Writing. Irish Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 7(2), 61–74.
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